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Fun and Creative Uses for Recycled Paper Products

10th May 2023

Recycling is an important step towards creating a more sustainable world, but the benefits of recycling don't have to end once we've placed our paper waste in the recycling bin. 

By choosing recycled paper products, we can take our sustainability efforts to the next level and reduce our environmental impact even further. In this article, we'll explore some creative ways to use recycled paper products in your daily life, from arts and crafts to household tasks.


DIY Notebooks and Journals

Recycled paper products, such as old notebooks, printer paper, or newspapers, can be repurposed into DIY notebooks and journals. 

By folding the paper in half and stapling or binding it together, you can create a personalised notebook that's perfect for jotting down notes, writing lists, or keeping a journal. You can even get creative with the covers by using fabric scraps, stickers, or drawings.


Homemade Gift Wrap

Rather than buying gift wrap made from virgin paper, consider using recycled paper products for a more sustainable option. Old newspapers, magazines, or brown paper bags can all be transformed into unique and eco-friendly gift wrap. You can personalise the wrap with stamps, drawings, or ribbon to make it extra special.


Recycled Paper Packaging


Seed Starters

Recycled paper products can also be used for gardening purposes. Newspapers can be folded and formed into small cups to use as seed starters. These cups can be filled with soil and seeds, and once the seedlings are big enough, they can be planted directly in the ground with the newspaper cups acting as biodegradable containers.


Compostable Food Wraps

Instead of using plastic wrap or aluminium foil, recycled paper products can be used to make compostable food wraps. By coating recycled paper with beeswax, you can create a pliable wrap that can be used to cover bowls, wrap sandwiches, or keep vegetables fresh. Once the wrap has reached the end of its life, it can be composted, completing the sustainability cycle.


Kids' Art Projects

Kids love to get creative, and recycled paper products can be a great way to encourage their imagination while also promoting sustainability. Old magazines, newspapers, and printer paper can all be used as canvases for drawing, painting, or collaging. You can also use recycled paper products to make paper mache, origami, or homemade greeting cards.


Fire Starters

Recycled paper products can also be used as a sustainable fire starter for your next camping trip or bonfire. Simply crumple up old newspapers or printer paper and place them in your fire pit or fireplace. The paper will ignite easily and help to get your fire going in no time.


Pet Bedding

If you have a furry friend, recycled paper products can be used as a sustainable option for pet bedding. Shredded newspapers can be used as bedding for small animals such as hamsters or guinea pigs. Larger pets such as dogs can benefit from pet beds made from recycled materials, such as old blankets or clothing.


Paper Beads

Recycled paper products can also be used to make jewellery, such as paper beads. By cutting strips of paper and rolling them into tight coils, you can create colourful and unique beads that can be used to make necklaces, bracelets, or earrings.


Recycled Paper Bags


Upcycled Gift Bags

Rather than using traditional gift bags made from virgin paper, consider creating upcycled gift bags from old shopping bags or newspapers. By adding some decorative touches, such as ribbon or stickers, you can create a personalised and eco-friendly gift bag that's perfect for any occasion.


Recycled Paper Pens & Pencils

Pens & Pencils are used almost everyday and they can be made from recycled paper too. Rescript has pens and pencils that are made from 100% recycled paper with options to get them in packs of 5 and 10. Try them today and support sustainability!


Rescript's Recycled Paper Pens & Pencils


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