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Top Podcasts on Sustainability You Can Tune Into Right Now!

7th July 2023

Podcasts have emerged as an engaging and informative platform to delve into sustainability and environmental topics. In this blog post, we will present a selection of top sustainability podcasts, categorising them into Indian and International shows. These podcasts will keep you informed, inspired, and ready to take action for a greener future.

Popular Indian Podcasts On Sustainability

Climate Emergency - Suno India

Hosted by Suno India, the Climate Emergency podcast focuses on climate change-related issues specifically within the Indian context. It explores topics such as environmental policy, sustainable development, renewable energy, and climate justice.

With its in-depth analysis and expert interviews, this podcast offers valuable insights into India's efforts to address the climate crisis and provides a platform for informed discussions on pressing environmental challenges.

The India Energy Hour

The India Energy Hour is a podcast that explores various aspects of energy sustainability in India. It covers topics such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and the transition to a low-carbon economy.

The podcast features interviews with experts, policymakers, and industry leaders who share their perspectives and experiences in shaping India's energy landscape. Whether you are interested in clean energy solutions or understanding India's energy policies, this podcast offers valuable insights.

CII - Confederation of Indian Industry

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) hosts a podcast that covers a wide range of topics related to sustainable products, circular economy, and responsible business practices in India.

With episodes featuring discussions on environmental initiatives, green technologies, and sustainable practices in various sectors, the podcast serves as a valuable resource for understanding India's sustainable development journey. It offers a platform for industry leaders, policymakers, and experts to share their knowledge and experiences in driving sustainable growth.

Global Podcasts On Sustainability

The Circular Economy Show Podcast - The Ellen MacArthur Foundation



Hosted by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a global leader in promoting the circular economy, The Circular Economy Show Podcast explores the transition from a linear economy to a circular one. 

It features interviews with leading experts, entrepreneurs, and innovators who share insights into circular business models, designing sustainable products, and waste reduction strategies. This podcast provides a global perspective on circular economy practices and showcases inspiring examples from around the world.

The Sustainability Agenda - Fergal Byrne

The Sustainability Agenda, hosted by Fergal Byrne, offers in-depth interviews with experts, academics, and practitioners in the field of sustainability. It covers a wide range of topics such as climate change, biodiversity, sustainable business practices, and social justice. 

This podcast provides a global perspective on sustainability challenges and explores innovative solutions. With its thought-provoking discussions, The Sustainability Agenda encourages listeners to think critically and take meaningful action for a sustainable future.

Green Dreamer - Kamea Chayne

Green Dreamer, hosted by Kamea Chayne, explores environmental and sustainability topics through conversations with a diverse range of guests. This podcast delves into subjects like regenerative agriculture, sustainable fashion, and eco-friendly living. 

It aims to inspire listeners to adopt sustainable practices and make a positive impact on the planet. By highlighting the interconnections between sustainability and various aspects of our lives, Green Dreamer offers a holistic approach to sustainable living.

Whether it's understanding India's efforts to address climate change or gaining a global perspective on circular economy practices and sustainable products, these podcasts provide valuable information and inspiration. So, tune in to these podcasts, absorb the knowledge, and join the growing community of individuals committed to creating a sustainable future for our planet.

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