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Ways To Reuse & Recycle Shredded Paper Waste

3rd February 2023

One of the most common forms of waste paper generated in offices is shredded paper, which is a by-product of destroying confidential or sensitive documents. Though it may sometimes be necessary, one should be mindful of the harmful impact shredded paper waste can have on the environment.

Shredded paper is one of the most difficult to recycle mainly because their small size poses problems and makes it difficult to extract the fibres required to recycle paper. These tiny pieces tend to clog the machinery at a recycling plant, creating havoc and causing issues with the equipment. For this reason, most recycling plants do not accept shredded paper and the ones that do usually send it off to dedicated facilities, which can cost additional time and money.

As a result, it is important for offices to understand the limitations of recycling shredded paper. They can try to redact documents with confidential information rather than shredding the documents, whenever possible. Alternative methods of disposing these shredded documents should also be adopted at a firm-wide basis and practices to upcycle shredded paper should be made more common.


Recycle Shredded Paper


Here are a few ways of re-using and disposing of shredded paper in a more sustainable way:

1. Composting: 

Due to its high carbon component, shredded paper can be added to your compost pile as long as it does not contain an excess amount of toxic coloured ink or glossy coating. This method turns your non-recyclable paper waste into healthy soil for your garden and plants!

2. Shredded paper can also be repurposed as packaging material. Similar to bubble wrap, it is extremely lightweight and readily available. It can therefore be used as a filler in boxes and cartons to keep fragile items safe during storage and transport.

3. Pets:

Bundles of shredded paper cushion nicely and can therefore be used for making soft and comfortable bedding layers for small pets or birds. Additionally, you can also use it to line your cat’s litter box to provide it with some depth and make it easy to clean and pick up after. You can even try and donate your shredded paper waste to a nearby animal shelter that can utilise it as bedding and lining litter.

4. You can also repurpose shredded paper and make use of it during celebrations and festivals. At the next big party, you can use shredded paper in place of confetti! Also, for your holiday gift basket, use this shredded paper waste as a filler while adding a decorative topping to give it a festive look.

5. You can use it to add to the aesthetics and décor of a room. You can put some shredded paper in a repurposed decorative bag and add your favorite essential oil to create some upcycled potpourri. You can even stuff it in an opaque vase to keep silk flower arrangements in place.

By being mindful of the impact shredded paper waste has on the environment, offices can help reduce waste and support sustainability initiatives.

Following these simple, innovative ways of repurposing shredded paper can go a long way in reducing the negative impact on the planet. If each of us re-uses and tries to recycle or upcycle shredded paper waste, then the amount that ends up in a landfill can be greatly reduced.

Above all, switch to Rescript’s 100% recycled paper and play your part in building a sustainable future! Shop now!

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